Hypnotherapy is about solutions. It differs from other therapeutic treatments in that it focuses on relieving and resolving the causes of problem states and behaviors rather than simply seeking to alleviate symptoms.
For someone with depression, there are a number of doors we can enter when working through this issue. We can look at subconscious causes of depression, unconscious behaviors that create and perpetuate depressive states, as well as how a person’s core self-image influences how they feel about themselves.
Subconscious Causes of Depression
Some people feel depressed for no obvious or apparent reason. The feeling has nothing to do with external events or situations. In fact, from an outside perspective, the person’s life may actually seem pretty good. They may be successful in their career, have good physical health, and be well-liked and respected by family, friends, and colleagues. In cases like this, we want to look at the hidden, subconscious causes for depression.
These could be related to unresolved trauma, whether experienced in childhood or later in life. There could be a history of abuse or neglect that has been forgotten or downplayed. There may be unresolved grief surrounding the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a job, or any other significant loss.
Whatever the case, hypnosis facilitates bringing these subconscious elements of the mind up to the surface. While in trance, we can look at these experiences and emotions in a safe space and work to resolve them with tenderness and care.
Behavioral Factors Leading to Depression
Depression can sometimes be linked to various behavioral factors such as diet, sleep, and exercise. A lot of times these behaviors are out of our conscious control. We don’t consciously decide to do things that are unhealthy for us. Still, a part of us might subconsciously believe that the unhealthy behavior is actually doing us some good.
During an initial assessment we can take a look at what behaviors and patterns may be contributing to depression. Then we work through those, one by one. Oftentimes, the behavioral change is enough to alleviate the symptoms of depression.
Self-Image and Depression
Whether they are found to be the cause or result, self-image and self-esteem can play a major role in depression. Hypnosis can help a person recognize and change negative thinking about their inherent value (which is always untrue) and increase their sense of self-worth.
This can be accomplished in the hypnotic trance state through guided imagery, positive affirmations, and post-hypnotic suggestions. In the context of transpersonal hypnotherapy, these methods are always aimed at the recognition of our inherent purity and innate goodness.
*Depression can be a serious, even life-threatening issue. Talk to your hypnotherapist and other providers about how hypnosis can be applied in a holistic way to your unique situation.