Stress is a natural response. It’s our body’s way of telling us that it’s time to go into action. This is usually a protective strategy. Our heart rate increases. Breathing becomes more rapid. Adrenaline surges giving us the boost we need to “fight” or “flee”.
This can be really helpful when we’re fighting off lions, tigers, or great white sharks.
The problem is, this response is usually an overreaction to our actual situation. Even more unhelpful, this response can become our default reaction, resulting in chronic anxiety and panic attacks.
The good news is there are many ways we can interrupt this “panic pattern” and gently bring our bodies back into states of biological and neuro-chemical equilibrium.
Here’s one of my favorites that I have adapted from my colleague Dr. Richard Nongard:
Whenever you feel stressed out or unnecessarily anxious do this simple exercise for fast, soothing results:
1. Sit down in a comfortable spot.
2. Take three slow, deliberate, deep breaths.
3. Now cross your arms across your chest so that you can put your hands on your upper arms/shoulders.
4. Take three more slow, deep breaths while gently giving your arms and shoulders a little hug.
If you like you can gently rock yourself back and forth or side to side as you do this. You can do this as long as you like or until you feel more calm, peaceful, and relaxed.
Check out this short video where I demonstrate all of the steps…