What causes imposter syndrome? A blog post by Chris Lemig from True Nature Hypnotherapy in Seattle

What Causes Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter Syndrome is a common experience that can affect anyone, regardless of their accomplishments or qualifications. By recognizing the factors that contribute to imposter syndrome and reconnecting with your True Self, you can overcome feelings of unworthiness and achieve your full potential.

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What Is Imposter Syndrome Anyway? A blog post by Chris Lemig from True Nature Hypnotherapy in Seattle

What Is Imposter Syndrome Anyway?

Imposter syndrome is a pattern thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in which one doubts their skills, accomplishments, and success, fearing that they will be exposed as a fraud. It’s like a little voice in your head that says, “You don’t belong here,” “You’re not good enough,” or “You got lucky this time.”

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Why do I procrastinate? A blog post by Chris Lemig, CHT from True Nature Hypnotherapy in Seattle

Why Do I Procrastinate? (Plus 5 Tips For Getting Motivated Again)

We all have that one thing (or five things) that we just can’t seem to get started on. Maybe it’s a work project, maybe it’s cleaning the bathroom, or maybe it’s finally learning to play the guitar. Whatever it is, we tend to procrastinate like it’s our job (and let’s be real, sometimes it feels like it should be). So, why do we put things off, and what can we do to stop? Let’s find out!

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